Breckland Local Plan: pre-submission publication & consultation

Breckland Local Plan

Pre-submission Publication

The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012: Publication of a Local Plan (Regulation 19)

Following the Regulation 18 consultation of the Preferred Directions in January/February 2016 and the Preferred Site Options and Settlement Boundaries in September/October 2016, Breckland Council has considered the responses and the evidence collected and has prepared what it now considers to be a sound document which conforms to national policy. The document sets out local planning policies applying to the District  and provides positive housing and employment allocations for the District’s Key Settlements of Attleborough and Thetford, three Market Towns of Dereham, Swaffham and Watton and its Local Service Centres for the plan period (to 2036). The document is accompanied by an updated Policies Map and is inviting representations on its ‘soundness’.

The document will be made available under the Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) 2012. Representations can be made on the Pre-submission Documents during the publication period from Monday 21st August 2017 and ending at 4pm on Monday 2nd October 2017.

Making Representations

During this 6 week consultation any representations made must refer to the tests of soundness against which the Pre-submission Publication is assessed.  The representations will ultimately be considered by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an Examination in Public of the Pre-submission Publication and updated Policies Maps.

The Statement of the Representations procedure enclosed explains how to make a representation. All representations must be made using the official forms.

Breckland would ask you to submit your representations online using e-consultation system
Alternatively, representation forms can be downloaded as a word document and associated guidance notes are also available to download from the Council’s website
Completed representation forms to be e-mailed to the [email protected]


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