Breckland Local Plan, update from 3 February meeting

The (Breckland Council) Local Plan Working Group met on 3 February 2017 to consider and make recommendations on the next stages of the Local Plan.   Cllrs Matthews & Hayton and the Clerk represented the Parish Council at this meeting.  Cllr Matthews spoke to the panel, clarifying that the view of Necton is that no development is acceptable on sites alongside Ramm’s Lane.  A written report  from the Parish Council presented to the Working Group explained the Council’s preferred position in terms of site and housing allocation.

It was clarified at this meeting that in the final submission to the planning inspectorate, only the agreed preferred sites will be listed and not the full range of preferred and alternate sites contained in consultation documents.

The LPWG recommended that officers continue to work with this Parish Council in the preparation of the Necton element of the Local Plan.  Cllr Wilkin attended this meeting and voiced his support of the Parish’s presentation.

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