Neighbourhood Plan


In June 2019 Necton Parish Council decided to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan. The Government encourages parish councils to produce their own Neighbourhood Plans enabling local people to have a say in how their neighbourhood grows and develops. A Neighbourhood Plan Committee was formed and made up of residents & Councillors in September 2019 and work on the plan began

Current Stage

The Independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner has produced his final report. This can be found here 

His conclusion confirms his recommendation to Breckland District Council that, subject to the incorporation of the modifications set out in his report, the Necton Neighbourhood Development Plan should proceed to referendum.

Previous Stages

We have now submitted the draft Neighbourhood Plan to Breckland District Council and it was subject to further consultation by the District Council that ended on 4 December 2023.  The submitted Plan can be found here Breckland District Council The Plan is now being assessed by an Independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner who will decide if the Plan, perhaps with amendments, can proceed to a Parish Referendum. Details of the examination can be found here 

We have now submitted the draft Neighbourhood Plan to Breckland District Council and they are consulting on the Plan until 4 December 2023.  The submitted Plan and details of the current consultation can be found here Breckland District Council When the consultation is complete the Plan will be assessed by an Independent Neighbourhood Plan Examiner who will decide if the Plan, perhaps with amendments, can proceed to a Parish Referendum.

We reached a major milestone by commencing the consultation on the Draft Neighbourhood Plan.  Consultation commenced on Saturday 25 March and lasted until Monday 22 May.  It was your chance to say whether or not you supported the content of the Plan or would like to see some changes.  The Plan can be downloaded here Link to Neighbourhood Plan

We also produced a summary leaflet which was distributed to every household and business.

Paper copies of the Plan were available to borrow for a short time during the consultation period by contacting:

Alice Spain 07519 511611  or Fraser Bateman 07967 398010

Drop-in Event

We were at at the Village Hall on Saturday 25 March between 10.00 am and 4.00pm where you was able to find out more about the Plan.

How you could comment

We welcomed all your comments. These could have been submitted online or by completing the form and returning it as instructed on the form.

Reference Documents

A number of studies and reference documents were available and which are referred to in the Plan. They can be viewed here

What next

Following the completion of the consultation, we reviewed comments received, made any necessary amendments to the Plan and then submitted it to Breckland Council in order that it can proceed to examination and a parish referendum, hopefully towards the end of the year.

Neighbourhood Plan Sub-Committee Meeting Schedule

Meetings were held in the Community Centre, Necton and open to the public. Occasionally meetings may have been held at an alternative location. During the Covid-19 lockdown meetings were held via Zoom. 


April 2024 – The Examiner has issued his report and the Neighbourhood Plan is being amended to include the changes required by him. Breckland District Council will then call a Parish Referendum. Details will be published here when known

October 2023 – Plan submitted to Breckland Council and they are consulting on the Plan until 4th December 2023

July 2023 – The consultation has taken place and is now closed

March 2023 – Draft Neighbourhood Plan for consultation

August 2022- AeCOM have completed a Design Guidance and Codes report for our Plan

April 2022- The Clerk has successfully applied for a further grant from Locality to assist with the year 2 associated costs for the Plan

February 2022- Locality provided free support in producing a Housing Needs Assessment |report to assist with our Plan

November 2021 the Neighbourhood Plan household survey (2 copies per household) was delivered to all parishioners this past weekend. Please can you take the time to fill the survey in, instructions are on the front page. The more people that fill it in the better the plan will be as it will be supported by strong evidence.  Help is available in case of questions. There is local drop off points for completed surveys including the shop or if you cannot get out, we will come and collect it.

July 2021– Thanks to everyone who came along to the open days, your opinion really does count. For those unable to attend you can see the information that was displayed on the ‘Public Consultation’ page on this website

July 2021– on the 9th and 10th of July Necton Parish Council will be holding open day sessions for you to come along and find out more about the Neighbourhood Plan and to tell us what you think and what is important to you for Necton. The flyer has been delivered to every one and is advertised in the Link. You can also view it here

June 2021– Neighbourhood Planning (Locality) have agreed to provide free Technical Support

April 2021- The Clerk has successfully applied for a grant from Locality to assist with the costs associated in the first year of preparing the plan

March 2021– Breckland DC have officially designated our Neighbourhood Plan. the link to the page on their website with all the information can be found here

December 2020, January and February 2021 – The sub- committee invited consultants to provide a presentation and thereafter recommended to the Parish Council that Places4People Planning Consultancy Ltd was instructed to support with the Plan

8th December 2020– Following our application to Breckland DC have approved our application to Designate a Neighbourhood Plan and the application form along with the map of the NP area are published on their website.

9th September 2019 – It was agreed to form a sub-committee, consisting of Councillor’s and local residents to work on this large project.

17th June 2019- Necton Parish Council agreed a Neighbourhood Plan should be created

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