• Necton Community Centre thanks Festival 2017 organisers

    Necton Festival 2017 was a great success despite the rain and entirely due to the work of all the great volunteers who gave their time, enthusiasm and energy into making this event happen.

    We had a dedicated event management team who brought the vital ingredients together, sourcing sponsorship, planning layouts, securing bands, negotiating with contractors, building the site, all the less-glamorous but essential elements in the months leading up to the event.

    On the day, we had wonderful stewards who ensured people parked safely, sold tickets, issued wristbands, managed the entry gate, looked after the performers, monitored safety on the field and generally helped in whatever was needed to provide a good and safe event for all who attended.   Everybody’s good work and good humour made the day flow to the beat of the music.

    As with any great event, there’s always the tidy-up; people stayed on well after the gates closed to litter-pick, dismantle equipment and secure the site.  This tidy up continued the following day with dismantling of gazebos, stage screening and fencing, making sure the contracted equipment was made ready for collection during that coming week.

    We want to say a BIG Thank You to all the following people who all played a vital role in making this a great event:

    Event Management Team – Paul Young, David (Scooby) Whitehair, Gabbie Joyce

    Stewards and other volunteers on the day – Helen Phoenix, Amanda Wright, Stuart Sharman, Nigel Wilkin, Jean Bass, Denise Axham, Fraser Bateman, Joe Sisto, Phil Hayton, David Matthews, Ian Thompson, Frank Stopp and Adam Manly.

    Around the site, there were other local residents who contributed to the success of the event; the volunteers of the Sports & Social Club who rang the bar, our local Butcher Andy who ran the hog roast and Ken Tarling who provided professional light and sound services.

    We had sponsorship from local companies, The Windmill Necton, Westcotec, Cottonworld, White Ash Design, Necton Management Ltd and Steward Safety Supplies, plus a grant from Necton Parish Council.

    And, yes, there will be a Necton Festival 2018 – the date is Saturday, 21 July 2018.  If you would like to sponsor this local event, please contact our Parish Clerk.

  • Breckland Local Plan: pre-submission publication & consultation

    Breckland Local Plan

    Pre-submission Publication

    The Town and Country Planning (Local Planning) (England) Regulations 2012: Publication of a Local Plan (Regulation 19)

    Following the Regulation 18 consultation of the Preferred Directions in January/February 2016 and the Preferred Site Options and Settlement Boundaries in September/October 2016, Breckland Council has considered the responses and the evidence collected and has prepared what it now considers to be a sound document which conforms to national policy. The document sets out local planning policies applying to the District  and provides positive housing and employment allocations for the District’s Key Settlements of Attleborough and Thetford, three Market Towns of Dereham, Swaffham and Watton and its Local Service Centres for the plan period (to 2036). The document is accompanied by an updated Policies Map and is inviting representations on its ‘soundness’.

    The document will be made available under the Regulation 19 of the Town and Country Planning (Local Development) (England) 2012. Representations can be made on the Pre-submission Documents during the publication period from Monday 21st August 2017 and ending at 4pm on Monday 2nd October 2017.

    Making Representations

    During this 6 week consultation any representations made must refer to the tests of soundness against which the Pre-submission Publication is assessed.  The representations will ultimately be considered by an Inspector appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out an Examination in Public of the Pre-submission Publication and updated Policies Maps.

    The Statement of the Representations procedure enclosed explains how to make a representation. All representations must be made using the official forms.

    Breckland would ask you to submit your representations online using e-consultation system http://consult.breckland.gov.uk/portal
    Alternatively, representation forms can be downloaded as a word document and associated guidance notes are also available to download from the Council’s website www.breckland.gov.uk/pre-submission-publication
    Completed representation forms to be e-mailed to the [email protected]


  • New Councillor on the Parish Council

    A warm welcome to Mr Frank Stopp, who was co-opted to the Parish Council at the July meeting.  The Council now has a full compliment of members, taking us through to the next elections in May 2019.

    See our Councillor list. 

  • July Parish Council minutes published

    Draft minutes of our July Parish Council meeting, held on 3 July are now available to view and download from our Minutes page.

  • July is Scam Aware Month – Are you aware?

    Be scam aware

    You or someone you know may have been targeted by a scam recently. Research shows that the majority of us have encountered one but not everyone knows what to do. That’s why we we’re urging everyone to play their part and act on scams in their community.
    Help to protect yourself and others by spreading the message about these key steps in helping to prevent and protect against scams.

    • Has the call, letter, email or text arrived unexpectedly?
    • You’ve never heard of the lottery or competition they are talking about and didn’t buy a ticket.
    • They are asking you to send money in advance or you are being asked for personal or security details.
    • You’re being urged to respond quickly so you don’t get time to think about is or talk to family and friends.

    Help to protect yourself and others by following these key steps.

    • Get Advice from the Citizens Advice consumer service 03454 04 05 06 who can provide advice and pass details on to Trading Standards.
    • Report scams or suspected scams to Action Fraud at 0300 123 2040 or visit www.actionfraud.police.uk.
    • Tell a friend, neighbour or relative about any scams you become aware of.


  • Allotment entrance is upgraded

    The Necton Allotment Association co-ordinated a project to improve the entrance to the car park for the benefit of residents using the Firs Field allotments and dog walk.  Funded by the Parish Council, volunteers carried out the works on Saturday, 24 June.

    The improved entrance is a firm base of crushed concrete providing a long-term solution to the flooded mud bath that the entrance turns into in the winter months.

    Thank you to all the Allotment Volunteers who gave up their Saturday morning to support this work.

  • The refined search area for Vattenfall sub-stations moves further away from Necton

    On Wednesday evening (14 June 2017), Vattenfall delivered a presentation to representatives of Necton Parish Council of the collated findings from their last consultation event ahead of this information becoming public by the end of this week.  It was an opportunity to understand the detail behind the findings and discuss how to progress the effective engagement of the whole community as consultations continue to define the final proposed location.

    Vattenfall recognise that landscape and noise are two key concerns for residents at Necton and this has informed their refinement of the sub-station search area, now condensed to an area north east of the village, moving it further away from St Andrew’s Lane.  The Parish Council stated that a location in the northwest section of the revised search area would maximise the topography of the land, helping to reduce visual impact.  Vattenfall confirmed that access would not be via St Andrew’s Lane or Ivy Todd.

    The Parish Council will be working with Susan Falch-lovesey, Local Liaison Officer for Vattenfall, to enable the widest participation of our community through the next part of the statutory consultation.   This work will begin within the next 4-6 weeks.

    With regards to potential benefits to the village, Vattenfall, in response to earlier consultation, have already had initial discussions with Highways England regarding improvements on the A47, Necton junction.   Vattenfall have committed to pursuing this matter further starting with arranging a meeting with Highways England, Parish Council and local and national government elected members.

    Vattenfall have published a newsletter, which is currently being distributed to households across the entire project area.  Expect your copy during the next few days.  Spare copies will be available from the Parish Office later next week.


    Further information about Vattenfall, Norfolk Vanguard can be found on their website. http://norfolkvanguard.vattenfall.co.uk/

    See also their FAQ document, which has been updated this month: http://norfolkvanguard.vattenfall.co.uk/sites/default/files/2017-06/June%202017%20FAQs%20Norfolk%20Vanguard%20and%20Norfolk%20Boreas.pdf

  • 2016/17 Accounts – Notice of dates for exercise of public rights

    The annual return (un-audited) and supporting accounts will be available for inspection during the period

    Monday, 12 June 2017 to Friday, 21 July 2017

    Inspection can be made at the Parish Office during office open hours or by appointment with the Clerk if the open hours are not convenient.

    Local Government Electors and their representatives also have the opportunity to question the auditor about the accounts and the right to make objections to the accounts or any item in them.  Written notice of an objection must first be given to the auditor and a copy sent to the Council.

    The audit is being conducted under the provisions of Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014, the Accounts and Audit (England) Regulations 2015 and the National Audit Office’ Code of Audit Practice.  Your audit is being carried out by  Mazars LLP, Aykley Heads, Durham.  DH1 5TS.

    Read the official notice Notice of date for public rights

    View our un-audited annual return and associated documents on our Finance page.

  • NRCC Trustee Report 2017

    This was a long year – we changed our accounting year from 31 December to 31 March to align with HMRC and the financial year.  So, we are now reporting on a 15-month year and our income of just over £25,000 reflects this extra period.

    This has been the first full year of the Charity under the trusteeship of the Parish Council.  At the start of the year, we were projecting a short operating loss, but this projection changed as we worked through the year, with a small surplus of £2,515 at the end of the 12th month increasing to £4,800 by the 31 March.  This surplus helps to increase our depleted reserves, essentially to provide adequate maintenance provision for the ageing buildings.

    Our staff has been excellent at picking up the challenge of managing the operation – Sue and Mark ensuring that the facilities are clean, serviceable, safe and welcoming and Gabbie running the administration and finances.

    We also have a number of wonderful volunteers without whom, we would struggle to provide some facilities.  For example, Christine and Colin, who come in on Sunday mornings to clear away tables and chairs after bingo, always early, so that the hall is ready for another booking, should it be required.   Sue and Maggie run our Walkers’ Café, which provides hot refreshments for Ramblers on their regular walks through the village.   Heather is our Independent Examiner for our accounts, providing an essential service free to the charity.   In December, we saw the retirement of two wonderful volunteers, Phil & Maureen, who rang the very popular bi-monthly Quiz night – a fundraising event for the NRCC, which this year generated over £1,600.  All the volunteers associated with the Sports and Social Club, which continues to develop are greatly appreciated. There are others, members of various groups, who do running repairs, which provide a great contribution to the enjoyment of others.  All of this goes to making the community centre a place for everybody.

    Improvements during the last 15 months

    Replacement doors to the Sports & Social Club building. Financed by charity funds.

    Internal painting of the community centre main hall, kitchen, toilets and lobby, utilising the services of the Probation Services.   Installation of new ceiling tiles in the main hall.  Financed by charity funds.

    Installation of automatic hand-dryers in the community centre. Financed by Dudgeon Community Fund.

    A new mechanical floor cleaner, replacing the traditional mop & bucket.  Financed by the Parish Council.

    5-year electrical testing (as due) was carried out on both the community centre and social club buildings.

    Significant upgrades and improvements to our play area, financed by the Parish Council through external grants and precept funding.

    New table tennis facility added to the playing field, financed by grants secured by the Parish Council.

    New counter top oven to support Lunch Club, financed by grant secured by the Parish Council.

    Hall use during 2016 to 31 March 2017

    We saw an increase in regular activities during the year with the introduction of weekly keep fit, yoga, dog-training and children’s football training.  Our other regular hirers continue, with the exception of the Thursday Club, which unfortunately folded following the retirement of the organiser.  Whilst our fundraising quiz is no longer, Necton Little Oaks have stepped forward to run it as their fundraising event and so it becomes a hall booking for us as we go into the new year.

    Looking ahead to 2017/18

    In addition to continued provision of community facilities, we have some very exciting projects planned this year:

    A new Community Garden where people can enjoy restful seating areas and share social outdoor connections;

    A summer music festival on 22 July with top tribute bands;

    A Christmas Carol, a special adaptation for younger audiences.  Free tickets for show in December;

    An outdoor boules court, still at research stage, but in response to suggestions from residents;

    Improvements to the access track to the Sports & Social Club and provision of allocated parking spaces;

    Improvements to the main car park which will incorporate repairs by NCC to the highway drainage facilities;

    A new path to school; a path from the main car park tracking along the southern fence to a gate at the eastern fence.  This is primarily for schoolchildren, but also provides a facility for people wishing to walk the boundary of the playing field as part of a healthy excise routine.

    None of this is possible without the good work of our trustee members, our enthusiastic and hard-working staff, and our volunteers who help run regular groups and events.   Moreover, there would be no point to all this wonderful work if we did not receive support from Necton residents who continue to use the community centre, sports & social club, playing fields and play areas.

    David Matthews

    Chairman of Trustee board, May 2017

    Read the financial statements for 2016/17 & AGM minutes.

  • Report a highways problem direct to Norfolk County Council Highways

    We recently posted a link to the Norfolk County Council Report A Highways Form, which appears to have broken, so here it is again:


    This allows you to report any highway problem direct to the Highways team – cutting out the middle man (in this case, the Parish Office) and getting the matter reported quicker.


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