• Emergency road closure in North Pickenham, diversion route through Necton

    In accordance with the provisions of Section 14(2) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984, the Norfolk County Council HEREBY GIVE NOTICE that owing to burst water main the use by vehicles of the North Pickenham Road, 100m west of junction with Hillside for 40m west in the PARISH OF NORTH PICKENHAM will be temporarily prohibited from 21 March 2017 to 23 March 2017 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 3 days within the period.  If necessary the restriction could run for a maximum period of 21 days.

    Alternative route is via:  North Pickenham Road, A47, Tuns Road, Hale Road, Cook Road, School Road (Holme Hale)

    The person dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is Martin Dixon (Community and Environmental Services Department) Telephone 0344 800 8020.

    Dated this 22 day of March 2017

  • Necton Festival, Saturday, 22 July 2017

    Tickets are now on sale for Necton Music Festival.

    Line up includes

    • Planet Abba, the UK’s leading Abba tribute band
    • Counterfeit Quo, who have the seal of approval from Quo’s very own Francis Rossi and the late Rick Parfitt
    • Queen Rocks, who are back by popular demand.

    Plus our favourite local artists; Lisa Collier and Chris Manley.

    Lisa Collier on stage last year. Back again for Necton Festival 2017.

    Tickets can be purchased from The Windmill Pub and Necton Butchers, cash only.

    Or online at Eventbrite/Nectonfestival 2017


  • Advance warning: temporary closure at A47 junction

    NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL has made a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the Tuns Road from the junction with A47 to the junction of St Andrews Lane in the PARISH OF NECTON because of provision of safe access to BT equipment.

    The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 21st March 2017 to 22nd March 2017 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 9 hours within the period.

    Alternative (diversion) route is via: St Andrews Lane, Tums Road, Hale Road, Cook Road, School Road, Station Road, North Pickenham Road, Norwich Road, A47.


  • Our county recycling facilities – what is your view?

    Norfolk County Council provides a network of 20 Recycling Centres. Last year they handled just over 65,504 tonnes of waste and about 75% of that was diverted from waste treatment and disposal.

    To help them continue to provide an efficient and value for money service in the coming years, they want to find out your views about the Recycling Centres that you use.

    Even if you don’t use them, they would like to hear from you so that they can understand why.

    Please take part in their survey, which should take no longer than ten minutes to complete.


  • Local Shopping – is there a future?

    Rarely has there been a time when the availability of local services in rural villages across the county, has been more important. Key to the survival of many communities is the shop, a place where many essential day to day services are to be found.

    Norfolk Rural Support Network (NRSN) is holding an event to discuss this very question

    Date: Monday 6th March 2017 at 10.00am – with finger buffet at 12.00 noon

    Meeting venue: Sporle Community Centre, 78 The Street, Sporle PE32 2DR

    Christian Bone, Head of Community Engagement, East of England Co-op, will set the scene. He personally has extensive experience working with rural organisations and the Co-operative Society  have been serving the East of England for over 170 years, supporting local people and the producers of local products.

    Two local shopkeepers will then reflect on the changes in local retail and how local shops can meet the changing needs of rural society.

    Algy Garrod, Algy’s Farm Shop, Bintree will expand on how the need to diversify their farm activity and the needs of the local community came together.

    The three speakers will leave time for questions and open discussion and representatives from partner organisations will be in attendance.

    The meeting is free to attend and a welcome is extended to all with a concern and interest in rural life in the county. Commencing at 10.00am with refreshments, concluding with a finger buffet lunch and an opportunity to network.

    Contact: Betty Jones – 01603 732886/07990573166

    email:  [email protected]

    website:  www.nrsn.co.uk

  • New bus shelters at A47 Necton junction

    Necton Parish Council have completed their scheme to install two new bus shelters on either side of the A47 at the Necton junction.  It has been an aspiration of the Parish Council for many years, to upgrade the facilities on the westbound and install a new shelter on the eastbound side.

    The new bus shelter on the Eastbound carriageway of A47 Necton Junction. Photo from left to right: Cllr Denise Axham, Clerk Gabbie Joyce, Cllr Phil Hayton and Cllr Jean Bass.

    Eastbound is a very busy route, with people traveling to work, school and shopping in Dereham and Norwich.  The absence of a shelter, meant that waiting passengers where vulnerable to rain and splash back from passing traffic.

    The new shelter is a 4-bay cantilever, positioned to provide shelter from the road.  The verge has been redesigned to provide sufficient space for the shelter.  The retaining edge has been secured and planted with low-growing mat forming plants to provide a low-maintenance and attractive verge, in keeping with the rural aspect.  The bank adjacent to the shelter has been planted with over 250 daffodil bulbs to add to the aesthetic value of the area.

    The new shelter on the westbound carriageway.

    Westbound, whilst there was a shelter, its location so far away from the actual bus stop, meant that people didn’t use it.  The Council received many complaints of buses not stopping because the waiting passengers where not visible to the driver.

    The Parish Council approached the new owners of the garden centre site to negotiate  the siting of a new shelter adjacent to the bus stop.  They agreed to provide a small parcel of their land and they offered to install the hard-standing foundation free of charge.

    The old shelter was unsuitable for re-siting on the new location, and it has been donated to the Necton Sports & Social Club for use as a smoking shelter.

    A new 3-bay cantilever shelter was purchased and installed.



    Both shelters were provided and installed by local company, Westcotec Ltd, based in Dereham.  The majority of the funding for this scheme was provided through the Dudgeon Community Fund, which is managed by Norfolk Community Foundation.

    Village Correspondent, Paul Young, went up to the bus stops to find out people’s reaction to the new shelters:


    The X1 stopping at both shelters on their respective journeys.



  • Necton Lunch club increases capacity, thanks to a grant from the Lord Baker Community Fund

    The Parish Council secured a grant of £300 to purchase a counter top oven, which gives Necton Lunch Club the opportunity to expand and provide 36 meals at their monthly lunches.  This is a very popular club, providing people, living alone or housebound, the opportunity to get out, have a hot meal and enjoy some lively company.

    The Necton Lunch Club team preparing pudding with the new counter-top oven in use behind them.

    Run by members of the Church, every month, these volunteers set up a banqueting table in the community centre, provide a taxi service for those who can’t travel, cook a nutritious two course meal, using fresh ingredients and to exacting standards of hygiene that has assured them of a certificate rating 5 (the highest) from Breckland Council.

    The hall and cooks are now ready for their guests.

    The funds were granted by the Lord Baker Community Fund, which is managed by Norfolk Community Foundation.


  • Notice of Vacancy in the Office of Parish Councillor


    Notice is hereby given of a vacancy that exists for ONE Parish Councillor to serve on the Necton Parish Council caused by the resignation of Councillor Steven Cheshire.

    Unless within 14 days of the date of this notice, ten electors for Necton (named on the Electoral Register) have requested to hold an election, the Parish Council will fill the vacancy by co‑option as soon as practicable.

    All requests (in writing) for an election to fill the vacancy should be sent to:

    The Returning Officer

    Breckland Council

    Elizabeth House

    Walpole Loke


    Norfolk NR19 1EE


    Date: 14 February 2017

    Signed:  Gabrielle Joyce  Clerk to Parish Council

    Address: Parish Office, 13 Tun’s Road, Necton.  PE37 8EH

    Note:  In computing the 14 (and 60) day periods, Saturday, Sundays, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Good Friday and bank holidays are disregarded.


  • Breckland Local Plan, update from 3 February meeting

    The (Breckland Council) Local Plan Working Group met on 3 February 2017 to consider and make recommendations on the next stages of the Local Plan.   Cllrs Matthews & Hayton and the Clerk represented the Parish Council at this meeting.  Cllr Matthews spoke to the panel, clarifying that the view of Necton is that no development is acceptable on sites alongside Ramm’s Lane.  A written report  from the Parish Council presented to the Working Group explained the Council’s preferred position in terms of site and housing allocation.

    It was clarified at this meeting that in the final submission to the planning inspectorate, only the agreed preferred sites will be listed and not the full range of preferred and alternate sites contained in consultation documents.

    The LPWG recommended that officers continue to work with this Parish Council in the preparation of the Necton element of the Local Plan.  Cllr Wilkin attended this meeting and voiced his support of the Parish’s presentation.

  • Apple tree pruning workshop a chilly success on the Allotments

    Despite the chilling wind and threatening snow, there was a good turnout of hardy allotmenteers for the first fruit tree pruning workshop held by Necton Allotment Society on Sunday, 12 February 2017.  The session was delivered by Breckland Master Gardener, Robert French, who is well-known for his experience and knowledge of fruit trees.

    Robert providing some practical tips on getting the best pruning cut.

    The workshop was a combination of demonstration and practical application on some of the apple trees at the allotment.   Once the work was done, there was of course plenty of home-made cake to enjoy with a hot drink.

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    After the session, our village reporter, Paul Young, spoke with Robert about the event and get some top tips:

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