• Still time to have your say on Norfolk police budget

    As Norfolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Lorne Green, gears up to set the policing budget for 2017/18, there is still time to have your say and help inform his decision.

    The Commissioner, who will take his budget proposals to the Norfolk Police and Crime Panel on 2 February, is inviting people to share their views on whether or not they would support a rise in the policing element of the council tax they pay.

    As well as taking part via an online survey, you can share your views face-to-face with the Commissioner in a number of locations over the coming week:
    Lorne will be attending the King’s Lynn Safer Neighbourhood drop-in session at the council offices on 6 December from 11am.
    He will be at the Sheringham Town Council meeting at 8pm that evening (6/12).
    On 7 December, Lorne will join police officers in Mulbarton for a street surgery outside the Co-Op store from 1pm.
    He will then spend some time on Norwich Market later that afternoon (7/12).
    Lorne will also be attending the town council meeting in Aylsham on the evening of 8 December.

    Having launched his budget consultation at a public meeting in Great Yarmouth earlier this month, the Commissioner says he is delighted with the response so far but wants to hear from more Norfolk residents before he sets the county’s policing budget and, with it, how much tax payers contribute.

    “This is one of the most important decisions for which police and crime commissioners are responsible”, Lorne said, “and, while the buck does ultimately stop with me, with 40% of our policing budget coming from tax payers’ pockets, I want all Norfolk residents to have the opportunity to have their say.”

    The PCC’s police budget consultation will run until 9 December.

    To take the online survey, visit www.norfolk-pcc.gov.uk/budget-consultation

    For more information please read the budget consultation information pack

  • Allotment update: working party completes entrance tidy up

    Thank you to the three members of the Allotment Association that came out on Sunday morning to make improvements to the car park entrance.  The entrance is a challenge for the association as the terrain is not ideally suited to the level of traffic using the area for parking.  Whilst a longer-term solution is being investigated, members took advantage of the large quantity of free bark chippings recently received.  The entrance was cleared of loose mud and the chippings were spread over a firm base, packed, raked and trod to provide a substantial mulch.

    Paul, Chris and Ralf working up a good pre-lunch appetite.
    Paul, Chris and Ralf working up a good pre-lunch appetite.
    Job done!
    Job done!


  • Necton Parish Council gives the play area a makeover

    Necton Parish Council has upgraded the surface of their play area from grass to a bonded rubber mulch, extending the play season for local children. Utilising funds secured from section 106 development contributions, the Parish Council commissioned local company, Fenland Leisure, to lay green bonded rubber mulch underneath each piece of play equipment. During the installation, it came to light that the see-saw was beyond reasonable repair and further funding was secured to replace it with a new version of the same model. The new bonded mulch provides a safe, bouncy surface to minimise injury, confirms to British and European safety standards and allows the play area to be used right through the winter months without getting muddy shoes.

    The Breckland View reporter, Paul Young,dropped into the play area to find out more about the new improvements:

    Other improvements to the play area this summer include repairs to the roundabout, replacement toddler swing seats and a replacement zip wire, all of which contributed to the area getting another clean bill of health on the annual ROSPA inspection. The Parish Council was also successful in securing the installation of two new highway warning signs by Norfolk County Council.


    From left to right: Cllr Phil Hayton, Parish Clerk Gabbie Joyce, Cllr Frank Woodward, Breckland Cllr Nigel Wilkin, Community Centre Caretaker Mark Jennings and Cllr David Matthews, Chairman of the Parish Council.
    From left to right: Cllr Phil Hayton, Parish Clerk Gabbie Joyce, Cllr Frank Woodward, Breckland Cllr Nigel Wilkin, Community Centre Caretaker Mark Jennings and Cllr David Matthews, Chairman of the Parish Council.

    The Necton play area is well equipped, catering for all age groups from toddlers to teenagers. Adjacent to the play area, is a free outdoor gym, a fully enclosed basketball court and two sets of fitted goalposts for general kick-about and 5-a-side games. A project to install a new outdoor table tennis is expected to be completed by spring 2017.


  • Get Ready for Winter

    The sun may be shining today and hopefully our winter months will be mostly dry, cold and sunny.  However, we should prepare for the possibility of heavy rains, local flooding, snow or ice.

    A glorious last day of 2015 in Necton. Let's hope New Year's Eve 2016 is similar.
    A glorious last day of 2015 in Necton. Let’s hope New Year’s Eve 2016 is similar.

    The Met Office has a website with lots of good tips and advice for keeping safe, warm and well this winter.  Follow these links for more information.

    Get ready for Winter

    Keep yourself warm & well

    Stay well in winter

    Travel safely in winter


  • Necton’s Red Phone Box is safe

    A resident’s question was raised at our recent Parish Council Meeting (read draft minutes here) about the possible adoption of our red phone box.

    Cllr Woodward, delving into his 28 year councillor memory, advised that our red phone box is indeed listed and so protected.   Full details of this listing status can be found here.

    Cllr Hayton surprised many with the knowledge of a second red phone box, which was on Chapel Road by the junction with Black Drift.  However, that was removed many years ago by BT.

    phonebox repaired (596x1024)
    Our iconic K6 red phone box, by the church, now a listed building, but still operating as a phone box, although upgraded for use with card only nowadays.
  • Remembrance Sunday at Necton Memorial

    Residents attended the annual Remembrance service at the Necton Memorial on Sunday, 13 November 2016.  A moment’s silence was observed, following which Cllr Hayton (Parish Council) laid a wreath on behalf of the village.

    A small congregation at Necton Memorial
    A small congregation at Necton Memorial

    5 year old, Megan White also laid a small bouquet at the base of the memorial in recognition of her two grand-fathers, who served in World War 1 and 2.

    A moment for quiet reflection.
    A moment for quiet reflection.


  • Vanguard off-shore Wind Farm proposal

    The Parish Council were informed in October of the opening of a public consultation by Vattenfall on a proposal to build one and maybe a second sub-station within a 3 KM radius of the existing National Grid station in the village.  Vattenfall held a public event in the community centre on 21 October and attendance figures were approximately 180 local people.

    To date the Parish Council has:

    • Had an exploratory discussion with Cllr Wilkin (Breckland Council) and Cllr Kiddle-Morris (Norfolk County Council) to understand what this might mean to the village and surrounding area and what threats and opportunities it might pose.
    • Cllr Matthews and the Clerk met with Ruari Lean, Senior Project Manager, Vattenfall, on the 21 October to clarify what the Council would expect to see by way of full, open and honest public consultation ahead of any official application to the Secretary of State.
    • Submitted a letter to the Secretary of State on the 28 October, detailing what the Council wishes to see in an Environment Statement.
    • Received five emails of objection from local residents on this matter, all of which received an acknowledgement and will be held on file.

    The Parish Council cannot yet make a clear statement of position and awaits further clarification from Vattenfall on their specific proposals.  We understand that they will return to public engagement in spring 2017 having considered the initial feedback received during their October consultations.

    The Council continues to listen to resident’s comments. They will help inform their formulation of a decisive statement of support or objection when the Council is called upon to engage within a planning application.

    We recognise that there are people who are angry or concerned about the prospect and they have the opportunity to object via an active petition.  The public will have further opportunities to engage with the proposer when they return in early 2017.

    Read the Council’s letter to the Secretary of State on this matter.

    Read a newsletter from Vattenfall about Vanguard, posted to all residents in October 2016.

    Read about Vattenfall’s work with communities that host their projects.

    Read a Norfolk County Council report on the Windfarm proposal.

    Read Vattenfall’s Environmental Impact Assessment (Scoping Report) on Vanguard.

  • Remembrance service in Necton

    Remembrance starts at 10.40 am at the War Memorial in the cemetery on Tun’s Road.  Followed at 10.55 am by a Service in the church.

    The names of the men of Necton who fought but did not return from the Great War and World War 2
    The names of the men of Necton who fought but did not return from the Great War and World War 2


  • Allotment meeting at The Windmill

    Necton Allotment Association are holding a meeting for all allotment holders at The Windmill on Wednesday, 9 November starting at 7.30 pm.

    Agenda items include:  finance update, approach road to car park, rabbits & fencing and a possible fruit tree pruning workshop.

    Come along to meet your new committee, ask questions and share ideas.

  • A good turnout for our Village Appraisal Open Day

    The rain didn’t dampen enthusiasm for attending Necton Village Appraisal Open Day at the Community Centre on 5 November 2016.  Over 65 people signed the register when they dropped in to meet their Parish Councillors and share their views about the village they live in.

    A lively turnout for Necton's Open Day.
    A lively turnout for Necton’s Open Day.

    The morning brought a few objectors to the potential of a further electric sub station, whilst in the afternoon, there was a steady stream of visitors registering concerns about the potential developments on Ramm’s Lane and the state of the Old Diner (the Parish Council continues to press Breckland Council for action on this). Throughout the day, it was clear that the issue of most concern is the current access to and from the A47.

    The local police accepted the Council’s invitation to drop by for a chance to chat to residents.  They listened to reports of antisocial behaviour at the Old Diner site, speeding along Hale Road and dangerous parking in various areas of the village.  Their advice is to report any suspicious incidents to the police on 101.  This may not bring the police to the scene, but it will help build intelligence which can help solve crimes.

    Visitors were invited to complete a survey.  This survey is also available online and is open until 13 November 2016.

    The Breckland View Reporter, Paul Young came along and spoke to two members of the Parish Council.  Listen to this interview.

    Norfolk Scouts also attended the event, taking the opportunity to gauge interest in the setting up of new Beaver and Scout groups in the village.  They also spoke with Paul Young and you can listen to their interview here.

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