• Necton – what do you think?

    We are looking forward to hosting our Village Appraisal Open Day this Saturday, 5 November at the Community Centre from 10 am to 4 pm.  This is your opportunity to chat with your Parish Councillors about what they do and to share your views on Necton – present and future.

    Leading up to that day, we have opened a short survey, to update our last Village Appraisal Report 2006.  You can complete this survey (only 10 questions) by following this link:

    Necton – What do you think?


  • New facilities thanks to Dudgeon Community Fund

    Two recent applications by Necton Parish Council to the Dudgeon Community Fund, managed by Norfolk Community Foundation, have provided new facilities for the benefit of users of the community centre.

    • New automatic hand-dryers have been installed in all the toilets of the community centre, including the outside public access toilet.  This will reduce the reliance on paper towels, providing a financial saving as well as being kinder to the environment.
    • New audio equipment has been purchased specifically to enable members of the public to clearly hear the proceedings of Parish Council meetings.  This equipment will also be available on request for other events at the community centre.
    • A new portable Loop system for use in the community centre, again helping to make events more audible for those with hearing difficulties.

    The Parish Council have also received £20,000 in June 2016 towards the installation of bus shelters on either side of the A47.  This project is underway at present with the Parish Council working closely with Highways England, Tredwell Developments Ltd and our recently appointed shelter contractor, Westcotec Ltd.

    Necton Primary School and Necton First Responders have also benefited from the Dudgeon Community Fund during 2016.

    The fund will re-open early in 2017 for more community based applications.  Find out more from Norfolk Community Foundation.


  • Do we want a Necton Scouts group?

    The Parish Council would like to hear from anybody who would be interested in having the Scouts back in the village.  Scouts provide wonderful opportunities for young people of all ages to get involved in new skills, meet new friends and have fun and adventure.

    We have a growing population of young people and we would like to explore the possibility of re-introducing Scouts as a weekly event in the community centre.  If this is something you would be interested in, please contact our Clerk (contact details on our home page) or leave a comment on this page.

    For more information about scouts in Central Norfolk.

  • New sign to protect our children

    Two new warning triangle signs have been installed today to alert drivers along Tun’s Road of the presence of the village play area.  The Parish Council have been asking Norfolk County Council for this signage for many months and Monday, 24 October 2016 brought the wait to a successful end.

    Mark Jennings, our Community Centre Caretaker said: ” These signs are very welcome and go some way to showing drivers of the very clear need to slow down as they come through Tun’s Road.  The play area is very busy and used by both children from our village and neighbouring villages.  It is great too that these signs are up at the start of mid-term week.”

    One of the two signs drivers will see as they approach the village play area on Tun’s Road.


  • Necton village appraisal open day 5 November

    Necton Parish Council invites residents to pop along to the community centre on 5 November, from 10 am to 4 pm and have a chat with their Councillors on issues of interest and significance to their life here in Necton.


    Our village appraisal is now 10 years old and we want your input to inform the direction for the next 10 years.

    Share your ideas for the future of your village

    Discuss your views on present developments

    Meet your Parish Councillors

    Enjoy complimentary cake and light refreshments


  • Our new See-saw is here

    Our long wait for a new see-saw for the play area is over as contractors are currently working on it’s installation.  Once in place, the remainder of our rubber mulch surface will be laid, assuming the weather is kind to the contractors.  This work is likely to carry through to the end of this week.

    new-seesaw installation

  • Have a road complaint?

    Norfolk County Council are responsible for most of the verges, footpaths and roads within the villlage.  They have a very good online reporting system which allows progress of your reports to be tracked, keeping you up to date.

    Visit their website, set up an account (very easy) and start logging your complaints. https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/

    There are a small few exceptions to this.  Breckland Council is responsible for the maintenance of the footpaths between Chantry Court and Chantry Lane and between Hale Road and Masons Drive.  They also have an online reporting system – http://www.breckland.gov.uk/reportit

    Breckland Council also deal with dog-fouling, fly-tipping, abandoned cars, street name plates, among other things.

    Reports to the Parish Council are welcome and our Clerk will pass them on via the above routes too.

  • Do you have a private pumping station?

    If so, then you might like to know that it may qualify for a transfer over to Anglian Water and become their responsibility.

    Currently, homeowners have to spend hundreds of pounds every year for electricity running costs, maintenance and repairs to look after these private pumping stations. They may even have been flooded if it’s broken down in the past.

    From October 2016, many of these private pumping stations will transfer over to Anglian Water and become their responsibility. They will take over all of the maintenance and the running costs too, saving customers hassle, worry and money.

    To help customers identify and report the pumping stations easily, they have launched a specialist website: www.spotapumpingstation.co.uk.


  • October Parish Council Minutes published

    The draft minutes of Parish Council meeting 03 October are now published and you can read them here.

    These minutes are approved at the next meeting, 07 November 2016

  • Local Plan consultation – have your say

    Breckland Council have launched a second public consultation on their Local Plan.  To access their online facility, following this link:


    If you would like help with accessing this, contact our Parish Office, 721665, to arrange a time to drop in and access the consultation there.   We also have a paper copy of the consultation documents, which is available to view.


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