• Read the minutes of recent Local Plan Working Group meeting, 12 July

    The minutes of Breckland Council’s Local Plan Working Group meeting where Necton Parish Council presented representations for consideration on the proposed allocations for this village are now available to view online:


    Read the background to this meeting and the report submitted by your Parish Council.

  • Read our Annual Report 2016 online

    We have recently published our Annual Report 2016 and copies are available at the Community Centre, the surgeries, the shop and the butchers.  You can also read it here and download and print if you wish.

  • Blooming lovely at the Community Centre

    Thanks to our Gardening Volunteer, Sue, our raised bed at the entrance to the Community Centre is looking lovely.  The pelargoniums add a pink splash, complementing the dark plum coloured leaves of the heuchera.  We’re coming into the season of the grasses now and they are limbering up to showcase their style in the next few weeks.

    Rasied bed

    We are looking to develop garden spaces at the centre.  If you would like to join our team as a gardening volunteer, contact the Clerk.

  • Parish Council secures funding for a new outdoor table tennis

    The Parish Council received the green light from Breckland Council to add a new outdoor sport facility to the existing sport and playing field in the village.  A sucessful bid has secured £2,680 towards the project, which is anticipated to be installed by spring 2017.

    The Parish Council is currently researching match funding options to provide a suitable ground surface for the table.

    More on this and other sports facilities funded by Breckland this summer.

  • Update on Breckland Local Plan

    Breckland Council are currently consulting with Parish and Town Councils, through a series of meetings this week, on the preferred site allocations across the district, ahead of a further public consultation scheduled for September.

    The meeting concerning Necton was held today in Swaffham.  Cllr Hayton and the Parish Clerk attended, along with a number of residents.  Cllr Wilkin, our Ward representative for Breckland Council also attended.

    Following delivery of a report from Necton Parish Council and representations from the floor, the Local Plan Committee agreed to revisit the proposed site allocations map and work with the Parish Council to produce a revised map for public consultation in September.

    Read our report to LPWG 12 July 16

    Share your views below or email our Parish Clerk directly.

    Read the minutes of the Local Plan Working Group.

  • Peter Treasure remembered

    On the 16 June, Mr Peter Treasure passed away peacefully following an illness.  He was a great Friend of Necton, volunteering his time and skill to making the village a better place for all who live here.

    Peter Treasure at the Pride in Breckland Awards 2015, for which he received a nomination for his contribution to the village.
    Peter Treasure at the Pride in Breckland Awards 2015, for which he received a nomination for his contribution to the village.

    Read about Peter’s achievements for Necton.

    Listen to Peter talking to community reporter, Paul Young, about the Friends of Necton.



  • Improvement works on the 5-ways roundabout A11

    The southbound road will be resurfaced south of the Fiveways roundabout at Mildenhall and Barton Mills. The work will take place between 20:00 and 06:00 on Thursday 14 and Friday 15 July.

    If you would like to be notified by the Highways Agency about all the latest major road works happening near you, visit www.gov.uk/government/organisations/highways-england to register for the latest alerts.

    If you have any enquiries please contact the Highways England Customer Contact Centre on 0300 123 5000, or by e-mail to [email protected]

  • Necton acknowledges the untimely death of Sam Alger

    The recent tragic loss of Sam Alger has been acknowledged by residents with many floral tributes laid at the village sign outside our church on Tun’s Road.  The flowers and their cards have been a source of thoughtful contemplation for the people who have stopped to read.

    Floral tributes to Sam Alger by Necton residents.
    Floral tributes to Sam Alger by Necton residents.
  • Necton gets a new Trod

    Necton Parish Council in partnership with Norfolk County Council has funded the installation of a new Trod along Hale Road, providing a safe walking route for residents.   The Trod, a low-cost footpath using unbound material instead of asphalt, provides a link with the end of the village footpath and the entrance to Ramm’s Lane, which is a very popular walking route.

    Cllr David Matthews, Chairman of Necton Parish Council said, “The suggestion of this footpath came from one of our residents, Mrs Watson.  We discussed it at Council, did some more research with residents and found a lot of support for it.  This gave us the green light to apply funds to the project, in partnership with Norfolk County Council and we’re delighted with the result.”

    Cllrs Thompson, Woodward, Matthews and Hayton along with the Parish Clerk and Teddy and Pearl.
    Cllrs Ian Thompson, Frank Woodward, David Matthews and Phil Hayton along with the Parish Clerk and Teddy and Pearl.

    Norfolk County Council’s Parish Partnership Scheme provided 50% of the funding for this Trod and they carried out the works, which were completed on the 2 June.   This has already proved very popular with residents in Necton and the Parish Council are planning a second Trod along the North Pickenham Road towards the allotments and dog-walk area, which is expected to be completed sometime in 2017.

    Listen to a report by Paul Young of The Breckland View.

  • Inspection of accounts and Electors’ Rights

    Each year the Council’s Annual Return is audited by an auditor appointed by Public Sector Audit Appointments Ltd.  Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounts to be audited and all books, deeds, contracts and other receipts relating to them.  For the year ending 31 March 2016, these documents will be available on reasonable notice on application to Gabrielle Joyce, our Responsible Financial Officer.

    The inspection period commences on 10 June 2016 and completes on 21 July 2016, providing 30 working days.

    Electors also have the opportunity to question the auditor about these accounts.  This can be done on or after the 25 July 2016.

    Notice of Electors' Rights 001

    Visit our Finance page to view and download copies of our accounts and Annual Return for 2015/16.



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