• Agenda for October published

    Our next Parish Council meeting will be at 7.30pm on Monday, 5 October at the Necton Community Centre.  Read our agenda here.

    Also, at 7pm on the same evening is our first meeting as sole trustee of the NRCC charity.  Public are welcome to this meeting although there is no public participation slot.

  • Notice of conclusion of audit 2015 by Mazars

    Right to inspect the Annual return for the year ended 31 March 2015

    In accordance with section 14 of the Audit Commission Act 1998, Accounts & Audit (England) Regulations 2011 (SI2011/817)

    The audit of accounts for the Council for the year ended 31 March 2015 has been concluded.

    The Annual Return is available for inspection by any local government elector of the area of the Council by following this link.

    A copy of the Annual Return may also be viewed for a period on the village notice board by the shop.

    Copies may be downloaded free of charge, printed copies are available from the Council for £2 for each copy.

    Announcement by Gabrielle Joyce, Parish Clerk on 18 August 2015.

  • Overnight A47 road closure 24 August

    The A47 will be closed between the A1065 Swaffham Interchange and the A1074 Longwater Interchange both directions, during the hours of 8pm on Monday, 24 August and 6am on Tuesday, 25 August next.

    This is for resurfacing work at the Easton Roundabout and other investigation works to Podmore Farm access bridge near Scarning.

    So if you are planning a journey along this route on Monday 24 August, give yourself plenty of time for diversion route.

  • Necton Parish Council step in to keep the Community Centre open

    The Parish Council has voted to step in as the sole managing trustee taking on the administration of the Necton Rural Community Centre to ensure it remains open and accessible to the village.

    The Necton Rural Community Centre is a charitable organisation currently run by a management committee of volunteers from the village. However, this committee wish to step down and have asked the Parish Council for help in securing the future of the charity.

    NRCC is a charity – and will remain a charity.  Its administration will transfer from individual trustees to the Parish Council on the 1 October.  The operational management of the centre and charity will be run by the Parish Clerk along with a small working group of volunteers.  The following couple of months will see the formulation of that operational structure.

    Open day

    On Saturday, 1 August, the Council held an open day at the centre, using the Summer Fayre as an opportunity to chat to residents and inform of the exciting changes ahead.  One such change is the opening of a new Parish Office at the centre, from where the Council will operate.  This office will be fully functional by the 1 October.

    Cllr Webb, our Chairman, spoke with The Breckland View on the day and you can hear this interview here.


  • Get Blooming with Brown Bins

    Summer time can be a busy time of year, especially in your garden, and the last thing you want to be thinking about is taking your excess garden waste down to the nearest recycling centre!

    As all good gardeners know composting is the way forward; it improves the fertility of soil, reduces waste to landfill and contributes to tackling climate change. Some of you will have been composting for decades and some just starting out, but the idea is environmental gold! However, to produce good quality compost needs a variety of waste. Often gardeners find themselves with a bit more of one thing and not enough of the other – this is where the brown bin garden waste service, provided by Breckland Council, can help!

    For a small cost which works out at £1.62 per fortnightly brown bin collection, they will collect your garden waste; this includes grass cuttings, hedge prunings and clippings. Because they collect substantial quantities, they are able compost on a larger scale and balance the ingredients to produce top quality compost.

    To find out more, and to order a brown bin follow the link below:

    Whether or not you currently subscribe to the brown bin service, you may be interested in finding out just what happens to the garden waste once it has been taken away on the refuse lorry.
    Here is a link to the short video about the process:

    If you don’t have a brown bin already, here’s an incentive for you; you can now receive a £10 National Gardening Voucher when you subscribe for a year! Just quote ‘VOUCH’ and phone 01362 656870 to subscribe.

    On a more general recycling note, this year every month they will have a different focus on recycling issues; a clear message of the yays and nays to help you know what can go into your recycling bin, so we can all RECYCLE RIGHT! So keep your eyes peeled for any information as it all kicks off in August with a focus of never putting plastic bags into your black recycling bin.

    If you would like help and advice with your home composting, contact Norfolk Master Composter


  • Are you a local business?

    Local Businesses invited to meet the “Breckland Buyers”

    Local businesses are being invited to attend a special event to find out more about how they could win contracts to provide services for Breckland Council.

    The Meet the Breckland Buyers event, to be held on September 29, will give businesses a chance to speak to members of the council’s various teams about the diverse range of goods and services bought by Breckland. The event is open to businesses of any size based in Norfolk or Suffolk.

    The companies will have an opportunity to hear more about how Breckland selects suppliers before talking about the services they can provide and how they could support the council to deliver first class services to residents and businesses. The event will also provide an opportunity for networking with other local businesses.

    Julie Kennealy, Breckland Council’s Executive Director of Commercialisation, commented: “Breckland buys a vast range of goods and services on behalf of residents and businesses, as well as behind the scenes services which enable the council to operate.

    “This event will provide local businesses an opportunity to find out more about the sort of contracts that Breckland offers and how they could become a supplier in the future. It also means our teams can find out more about the businesses that are out there which are offering new and exciting ideas, services, and ways of operating, which could help us further enhance our services and become more efficient and effective.”

    When booking their place, businesses will be asked to identify their area of expertise so they can be matched with the most appropriate Breckland Council team. Service categories range from architects and financial services, to cleaning services, marketing materials, and security, so any business will be able to attend.

    The Meet the Breckland Buyers event will take place at Elizabeth House, in Dereham, on September 29, from 4pm. The closing date for registration is 5.30pm on September 22. For more information and to book your place, go to: http://www.breckland.gov.uk/content/meet-breckland-buyers.

  • Would you like to join the Swaffham Hospital League?

    Earlier this year a new committee was formed to carry on the work of the League.  At present it comprises people mainly from Swaffham but as the Hospital serves a much wider area they are keen to have representation on the committee from the surrounding area. If you would like to join the League and their new committee or find out more about what’s involved, contact Colin Houghton (Chairman) on 01760 336025

  • Accidents at our A47 junction this weekend

    On Friday, 3 July, shortly after 2pm, there was a traffic accident involving two cars at the A47 junction with Dunham Road.  Police attended and there was a tailback right back to the Sporle Road junction.

    Two cars involved with a traffic accident on Friday afternoon.
    Two cars involved with a traffic accident on Friday afternoon.

    On Saturday, again at a similar time, there was another traffic accident at the Tun’s Road junction involving a car and a van.  This caused traffic delays on the west-bound side of the road.

    The Parish Council are in discussions with Highways England and NCC Highways department about this junction and are actively campaigning for some improvements to make it safer for drivers, whilst also making it easier for people to exit the village.

    If you have any information about the two recent incidents or any others that may help with our campaign, please do contact the Clerk or leave your comments on this post below.

  • Sue’s Open Garden was a great event

    Bee’s Pit Cottage on Mill Street opened it’s gates on Sunday, 5 July 2015, in aid of Necton’s Allotment Association.  Many locals availed of the opportunity for a gentle stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens as an after lunch treat, followed by tea and cake on the terrace.

    Looking across the herb boarder from the terrace.
    Looking across the herb boarder from the terrace.

    This garden is a delight and there is much to take in such as Rosa Rogosa boarders, the hot herb boarder and shady under-tree planting of hostas, ferns and other shade loving plants, rich in colours of deep green through to yellow.  The grass path takes you through again into the sunshine where the planting changes to blooming boarders of roses, peonies, geraniums and many other beautiful perennials.   There were ideas galore that could be taken and adapted easily to any size garden.

    This fundrasing event provided over £152 for the Necton Allotment Society and it will go towards providing more facilities at the allotments for the benefit of plot holders and those who like to join them for a chat.

  • Watch your back

    Message from Chief Inspector Paul Wheatley.

    There are still incidents of residential burglaries in the Breckland area. A favourite means of entry is from the rear of a premises as the offender can work in an area of low or no natural surveillance to force windows or doors or simple enter via an insecure door as has happened on several occasions last week.

    Residents are strongly encouraged to review their home security and may find the following link useful. Click here

    It is also imperative that properties are secured when not occupied and when the occupants are in bed.


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