• Your opportunity to write the next chapter in village life

    The NRCC Committee have worked tirelessly for many years, updating the community centre, adding new facilities to the children’s play area and the adult’s outdoor gym and making sure that local groups can utilise a clean, warm and well-equipped hall for their many activities.

    It’s time for new people to take hold of the baton and build on the great work already done.  If you like working with people, happy to help with some routine jobs, have some trustee experience, or simply want to get involved in your community – now is your opportunity.

    Come along to the NRCC meeting on Monday, 23 February 2015 at the hall, starting at 7.30pm.

  • Necton Rural Community Centre AGM 2015

    The annual general meeting of the NRCC will be held at the centre on Monday, 16 March 2015, starting at 7.30pm.

    NRCC on Tun's Road, just off the A47
    NRCC on Tun’s Road, just off the A47

    All are welcome to come along and hear about the achievements of the last 12 months and the plans for the next 12 months.


  • Johnny Cleveland comes to Necton

    Time to dance away those winter blues and book your ticket for a night of music and dance with Johnny Cleveland at the Necton Rural Community Centre.

    Friday 27th February 2015.

    7.30pm until 10.30pm

    An evening of comedy, music and dancing.

    £7.50 per person including a Ploughman’s Supper (Bring your own drinks)

    Tickets from Phil Kirkby 01760 440668
    Bernard Bell 01760 441228


  • Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Public drop-in exhibition 29 January 2015

    Dudgeon Offshore Ltd is holding a public drop-in exhibition at the Necton Rural Community Centre on Thursday, 29 January.  Doors open at 1pm until 7.30pm.

    Statoil Jan public meeting

    This is your opportunity to find out more about progress on the development of the site, raise concerns and ask questions.

  • Are you between 40 and 74? Sign up for your free health check now

    NHS Health Checks, funded by Norfolk County Council Public Health, are considered as a midlife MOT and are an opportunity to put right emerging problems, but also provide personalised advice on keeping yourself healthy and active in the future.

    NHS Health Checks - promoter screen artwork

    They are available for 40 to 74 year olds who have not been diagnosed with heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease or a stroke and are accessible at most GP surgeries and at over 50 pharmacies across Norfolk. They take up to 30 minutes, you can have one once every five years and it is free of charge.

    Contact your local surgery now for more information on how to book.

  • Have the Christmas goodies left their mark on your waistline?

    Well why not pop along to our very own village outdoor gym?  State of the art outdoor fitness exercise machines will help get those pounds off and re-tone your muscle, whilst giving you the extra benefit of good old-fashioned fresh air into your lungs.

    Outdoor gyms are increasingly popular as an alternative to indoor gyms.  They are free, usually more local and easier to walk or cycle to, no parking problems and can be incorporated into other actives such as one’s daily dog walk or after dropping the kids to school.

    Necton’s outdoor gym, managed by the NRCC, is a wonderful asset to the village and the equipment is new and each item has a clear user guide.   It’s a great place to begin your new year’s resolution for 2015.

  • Councillor Vacancy

    Necton Parish Council have a casual vacancy for one new member.  Expressions of interest can be made to the Parish Clerk.

    Read more information about becoming a councillor.

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