• Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire- Prize Draw Winners !

            Neighbourhood Plan Questionnaire Prize Draw

    The winners are

    First Prize £250.00        9020

    Second Prize £100.00   1184

    Third Prize £50.00        7035

    Please contact the Clerk at  [email protected]  07483 412755 or your local Parish Councillor if you are the lucky winners !

  • Vattenfall- Community Benefit Fund


    Vattenfall’s Norfolk zone Community Benefit fund

    To hear about Vattenfall’s Norfolk Vanguard and Norfolk Boreas Community Benefit Fund, and discuss ideas for climate-smart community projects, please join us at the Community Centre in Necton on Friday 21 January, 2022 6-8pm. Representatives from Vattenfall will be there to talk about the fund, examples of community projects supported elsewhere, the results of an initial survey (Spring / Summer 2021), for inspiration. Bring your ideas, and perhaps thoughts on how climate smarter living might align with emerging neighbourhood plans. George Freeman, MP will chair the meeting.

    We are looking into the possibility of enabling a hybrid event, which could enable some to join via computer from home.

    Please tell us in advance if you plan to come in person / for on-line joining instructions, contact: [email protected]


  • Norfolk PCC Launch of Police and Crime Plan Consultation

    The Police and Crime Commissioner launched his Police and Crime Plan Priorities Consultation yesterday and it will run until 5pm on Friday 20th August 2021.  This is an opportunity for our communities to have a say on the future of policing in Norfolk.  If you wish to put forward your views or ideas please access via the link here:

    Police and Crime Plan consultation (norfolk-pcc.gov.uk)



                     DEATH OF HIS ROYAL HIGHNESS,                              




    Following the announcement of the death of His Royal Highness, The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, the Parish Council joins the village of Necton in expressing our sincere condolences to Her Majesty the Queen and the Royal Family.


    Floral tributes to the Duke of Edinburgh may be left at the entrance to the Memorial Garden opposite the Church.


    Our village flag will be flown at half-mast until the funeral.


    A book of condolence will be available for all to sign at the Community Hall from 11.am to 1 pm Monday to Friday until the day after the funeral and current covid regulations apply when visiting the hall.

    The Buckingham Palace’s book of condolence is available online by visiting


    Jean Bass

    Chair – Necton Parish Council

  • Dog Walk Area ( Allotments) Notice for 15th March

    Please note that groundworks are being carried out at the Dog Walk area near the Allotments using some large plant machinery. Therefore, this area will be closed off to the public on Monday 15th March for safety reasons.

    Please refrain from using this area on this day as the area will be taped off and not accessible.

    Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause

  •  Judicial Review of the Norfolk Vanguard DCO – Mr Justice Holgate’s decision.


    Please see link below to the official publication of the judge’s decision.

    Paragraphs 164 onwards contain the main substance of his conclusions.


    Justice Holgate upheld the grounds of the claim and decided in favour of Mr. Pearce’s case.

    For the moment, therefore, the Secretary of State’s decision of July 1st 2020 to consent the Norfolk Vanguard wind farm in its present onshore configuration is quashed.

    We shall have to allow some time now for the full implications of this decision to emerge. In particular we shall await information on how the Secretary of State (SoS) is minded to proceed.

    In this context, I would draw your attention to para 179 of the judge’s ruling:

    “In these circumstances, it is very doubtful whether the Defendant could properly proceed to re-determine the Vanguard application, or to determine the Boreas application, without at least giving a reasonable opportunity for representations to be made by interested parties on the implications of this judgment for the procedures now to be followed in each application, considering those representations, and then deciding and explaining what course will be followed.

     In the meantime, however, the prosecution of this Judicial Review will have achieved, at the very least, two important things:

    • a re-consideration by the SoS of the cumulative impacts of the Boreas substations at Necton, when taken together with the Vanguard substations; and
    • more time for the fast-moving work of the government’s Offshore Transmission Network Review to refine its proposals for an entirely different and better way for this project to connect to the grid.

    We all now need to throw our weight again behind the latter. This judgement is significant grist to the mill – but the battle for Norfolk isn’t quite over yet!

    Finally, please see below a statement from Ray Pearce, published yesterday in the EDP online, which I believe concludes with a message to you all…


    From the EDP online 18/2/21:

    Mr Pearce said he was entirely supportive of the Green Energy agenda but stated he was forced into legal action because he believed Vattenfall’s plans had failed to deliver the wind farm in the most efficient way.

    He said: “It is so important that we do this in the right way for Norfolk and its people. I would like to see the grid built offshore instead of kilometres of the countryside being ripped up for cables.

    We have to look at the long-term agenda and the carbon impact – installing these less efficient routes and substations inland would mitigate the impact of the turbines for years to come.

    I do not see this as the end of the wind farm – nor of the jobs they would bring. I see this as an opportunity for Vattenfall to do some pioneering work in the offshore transmission network and potentially create more jobs in maintaining that network.

    This would ensure the network is more environmentally friendly and efficient in the long term.

    Green energy is the new frontier, now that we have turned away from gas and oil, and we need to ensure that it is done with the environment in mind.

    It might be my name on the decision but – although I am not an elected representative – I know I speak for people in Norfolk when I say that this was them standing up for their county. This has been a David and Goliath battle. A lot of people have pledged their expertise and personal funds to get us to this judgement.”


  •                               V A C A N C Y

                             NECTON PARISH COUNCIL

                            VILLAGE CARETAKER

    A part time role position has become available offering 10 hours per week (working days are flexible but Mondays are required).


     Inspect the play equipment:

    • Check play equipment is sound and report any defects
    • Attend a course on maintaining play equipment and Health and Safety
    • Carry out a weekly visual inspection
    • Carry out a six-monthly thorough inspection that is documented including photographs
    • Carry out small repairs to the village hall
    • Pick up litter and empty bins according to the schedule
    • Weed garden at entrance to the village.
    • Move the SAM II (speed monitor) around the village according to schedule


                             Contact Justine Luckhurst for further details

              Clerk – Necton Parish Council   [email protected]

                                    Applications close 8th February 2021

  • Playground and Outdoor Gym now open !

    As per Government Guidelines we have have now re- opened the play area and outdoor gym. Please be sensible and adhere to the ongoing rulings regarding social distancing and taking precautions.

    Notices have been placed around the areas involved detailing measures in place and they are listed below :

    • The equipment is not cleaned between use and therefore use of the play and gym equipment is done at your own risk and responsibility.
    • Please respect the social distancing measures.
    • If there are too many people on the equipment to respect the distancing measures please wait until these can be implemented.
    • Please limit your time in the area if busy to allow others to use safely.
    • Only ONE family member should accompany children in the play area.
    • If you can, please clean the equipment before its used, particularly where there are clear touch points such as handles
    • Please use hand sanitiser to clean your hands and your children’s hands.
    • Avoid touching your face. Cough or sneeze into a tissue or your arm when you have no tissues.
    • Please note the consumption of food or drink on the equipment or in the play area is banned.
    • Please take your litter home with you!!
  • New Member of Council

    At our Parish Council Meeting via Zoom on Monday 8th June a new Member of Council was co -opted onto the Council to fill our vacancy. I’m sure you will all join us in welcoming Genine Curtis to the Council. Genine is a resident in Necton and some of you may know her already. Her contact details are published on the website and on the notice board outside the shop and a photo of Genine will be added soon in order to put a face to a name !

    Welcome Genine !!

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