• Resident survey 2017 results

    The Parish Council recently distributed a questionnaire to every household via the October Parish Link.  The results of this survey will help the Council plan its strategy for the next 3 years.

    Read the results of this survey here.


  • Necton remembered its fallen heros

    Members of Necton Parish Council joined residents at our village memorial yesterday to remember those who gave their lives in the protection of our freedoms.   The service at the memorial was conducted by Rev. Stephen Thorp.  Commemorations continued with a full service within the church.


  • November’s Parish Council Meeting Agenda published

    Our November Parish Council meeting agenda is now available to read and download/print.

    Items for discussion include

    • The Old Diner application to build a new petrol station, shop and Costa coffee shop/drive-thru
    • A new application for the demolition of the old school and construction of 8 new dwellings
    • Neighbourhood Plan – results from our recent public consultation and residents’ views on embarking on a plan
    • Vattenfall sub-station – the commencement of the statutory pre-application consultation period and how this Council will engage in this

    Plus updates on

    • Anglian Water and village flooding investigation
    • Highways England and the A47 junction

    Parish Council meetings are open to the public and there is an opportunity early in the meeting to express comment and ask questions of your Council on matters relating to the agenda or other business.

  • A new planning application for the Old Diner site

    A new application for the old diner site has been received by Breckland Council and is now published via their planning application portal.

    The application is for a new petrol station/shop to be run by the Co-op and a new Costa Coffee shop with an additional drive-through facility.

    This application will be listed on the Parish Council’s November meeting agenda and we welcome your comments on this proposal.

  • Necton Resident Survey 2017 – help us plan for the next 3 years

    It’s that time of year, we are preparing our plans and budgets for the next 3 years – and we want help from Necton residents.

    A paper questionnaire is inserted into the October Parish Link and will be dropping through your letterbox very shortly.  Completed questionnaires can be dropped into the Parish Office at the Community Centre.   There are also collection points at the Windmill Pub and the Shop.  Deadline for returns is 31 October.

    We also have this survey online at Necton Resident Survey 2017


  • Breckland’s Local Plan – what it means for Necton

    Breckland Council’s emerging Local Plan is in its ‘pre-submission’ period – where people are invited to consult on the ‘soundness’ of the plan.  Follow this link to read the full plan and associated documents.

    Following extensive consultation with residents of Necton, your Parish Council has worked with Breckland Council Officers to agree a development strategy for the village that provides for new dwellings on suitable sites over the lifetime of this plan, to 2036.

    Follow this link to see the map of Necton that is included within the emerging Local Plan.

    The map shows sites that already have planning permission (as orange sites) and sites that are earmarked for development (as purple sites) to support the remaining need.

    The emerging Local Plan is nearing the end of its journey and if agreed by the Planning Inspector will soon become the policy that will shape and inform development within the District for the next twenty years.  Follow this link to see the timescale for the rest of this journey.

    Unfortunately, this is a challenging period for Breckland Council as they are unable to demonstrate a 5-year housing land supply, and so as the Local Plan is yet to be enshrined as legal policy, the District faces speculative development applications.   This Parish Council will be working hard to protect this village’s development strategy and welcomes residents’ consultation and comments on planning matters – a regular item on our monthly Parish Council meetings.


  • October Parish Council meeting agenda published

    Key items for discussion at Monday’s Parish Council meeting:

    • Planning application for site behind Brackenwoods
    • Planning application for site on Hale Road
    • Neighbourhood planning – should Necton produce one?
    • Anti-social behaviour – recent events captured on CCTV

    Plus as always, your opportunity to ask questions of your Councillors.

    See our full agenda here.

  • Another notice of temporary closure for footpath widening work

    NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL has made a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the U33235 St. Andrews Lane from its junction with C117 Tuns Road eastwards for a distance of 40 metres in the PARISH OF NECTON because of footway widening work

    The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 25th September 2017 to 6th October 2017 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 12 days within the period.

    Alternative route is via: Tuns Road, School Road, Ketts Hill, St Andrews Lane Necton CP

  • New: Silver Social comes to Necton

    The Silver Social is bringing something a little different to your daily village life.
    It offers an exciting range of activities for older residents, who may like to meet new
    people over a cuppa and take part in new social pursuits.

    Arriving in your village periodically from mid September 2017 until late 2019, The Silver
    Social will bring daytime workshops and performances by world class artists.
    Absolutely no experience is required.

  • Notice of temporary closure of Tun’s Road

    NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL has made a Temporary Traffic Order affecting the C117 Tuns Road from its junction with A47 for a distance of 100 metres southwards in the PARISH OF NECTON because of footway widening.

    The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 18th September 2017 to 22nd September 2017 for the duration of the works, expected to be about 5 days within the period.

    Alternative route is via: Tuns Road, Hale Road, Necton Road, Cook Road, School Road, Station Road, Swaffham Road,North Pickenham Road, Norwich Road, A47 from J A1075/B1135 To dualling at Swaffham Bypass, A47 From Castle Acre Road to Necton Parish boundary.


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